Monday 14 November 2011

Third Design: Storm Hits!

Third Design:

first sketch. Drawn by free hand. Colored by Color pencils.

Second sketch. test typography.
use the "Microsoft Word 2010" to edit the color temparature to 11 200K.

Next, by using Adobe Photoshop CS5 "clone stamp tool" to remove the handwriting words and "NO PHONE ZONE" logo. Use “Postinkantaja Job” as font face for the tagline.


1) Use "Magic Wand tool" to select the area, click "Quick Mask" and use "eraser tool" to eraser unwanted area. Click "Quick Mask" again to reselect the wanted area. Use "Brush tool" to recolor and add tone for the area. Next, click "Filter" -- "Plastic Wrap" to bring out the feel. 

2) Same method to other parts. Filter with different textures.

Use "Brush tool" to draw two different colors and filter it as background.

3) Add text.

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